Case Study

Preparing a Company for Rapid Growth


Trexin developed an IT strategy and road map to prepare a company expecting to double in size

Business Driver

The COO of a nationally recognized $50M economics analytics firm specializing in financial analysis and litigation support was preparing for rapid growth. Trexin was asked to develop an IT Strategy that would accommodate, facilitate, and optimize its business expansion plans. The company’s immediate goals were to double in size from 2 to 4 offices and from 150 to 270 employees.


The IT Strategy targeted the following areas:

IT Assessment

  • IT Fitness & Business Alignment
  • Performance Review
  • Security/Risk Assessment

IT Recommendation

  • IT Framework
  • IT Road Map

Trexin’s assessment showed that the current IT infrastructure (technological & organizational) was exceedingly thin and ad hoc. This approach was perhaps appropriate during the firm’s formative years, but it was now resulting in tangible user performance problems and data security risks. Moreover, the infrastructure was not particularly well suited to transition into or support the growth phase that the company was entering.


Trexin presented several alternatives for remediation and conducted a cost/benefit analysis of each option using a total cost of ownership (TCO) basis for evaluation. Ultimately, Trexin recommended that key infrastructure components be outsourced to a third party hosting provider as the best alternative to simultaneously optimize IT speed, facilitate growth, improve user performance, and enhance data security. Trexin also presented the customer with an 18-month IT Framework and Road Map, detailing the individual steps required to implement the recommendation.


Our client began implementing the recommendations as planned. Midway through the process, the firm was acquired at an attractive premium. The COO related that the IT Strategy & Road Map was an important asset for the acquirer in their due diligence.

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