Case Study January 6, 2013
Innovation Increases Revenue
Trexin engages its client to leverage innovation and strategic partnerships that deliver a leading product
Our client, a leading provider of airline internet services, was seeking additional revenue opportunities leveraging their existing industry platform. A potential service offering that fit the need well was a streaming pay-per-view service to client mobile devices. Unfortunately, extensive internal product development had run into major technical roadblocks.
Trexin teamed up with our client to take a top down, partner-centered approach to establish a successful business and technology capability. We arranged and conducted business partnership assessment discussions with the leading players in the streaming pay-per view industry. We also assessed the major commercial and open-source technology options for video content management, streaming to mobile end user devices, and studio-approved digital rights management. After assessing the business and technical benefits of each approach, we defined a business and technology architecture designed to maximize our client’s revenue in their targeted key performance indicator areas, and more importantly to disrupt an established In-Flight Entertainment oligopoly. We completed the solution phase with the extensive proof-of-concept testing required when defining a new industry capability within the unique FAA-regulated environment of in-flight electronics.
After proof-of-concept testing demonstrated the efficacy of the selected solution, Trexin led the detailed design and implementation of the pay-per-view service. As part of this initiative, Trexin introduced an agile development approach that enabled frequent demonstrations of work-in-progress to build confidence with our client’s business executives. Further, several critical demonstrations were held with our client’s current and prospective customers, who were eagerly waiting to review this new joint revenue and service opportunity. We also defined secure, studio-compliant business processes required when transporting, encrypting and streaming high-value movie and TV content files.
Today, this new service leads the industry in North America, and it is being enhanced to allow trans-ocean deployment and to effectively operate in the corporate business aviation market. Prior to this project, our client had no In-Flight Entertainment offering. Based on existing carrier commitments, our client has fully disrupted this industry and will become the most widely deployed global In-Flight Entertainment provider in 2013.