Event Summary

“The Future of Healthcare Reform” – A CHEF-Sponsored Event


Chicago, IL

Chicago Health Executives Forum (CHEF) sponsored an event on January 18th that had approximately 75 people in attendance. The topic of the evening was a timely discussion about “The Future of Healthcare Reform”. With a changing government administration that is promising to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), healthcare professionals all over the country are trying to predict and assess the impacts of pending policy changes to ACA.

Held at the Presence Resurrection Medical Center in Chicago, speakers for this event featured a well-rounded panel of five healthcare experts from different parts of the industry:

  • Trine Tsouderos, Regulatory Center Leader for PwC Health Research Institute, presented a detailed analysis of the current and potential future state of the healthcare law based on the most recent information available from the new administration. Comparing facts with their deep knowledge government process, Trine depicted what aspect of the industry are more or less likely to change.
  • From the Research and Optimal Patient Care division of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), Michael Bencur, Quality Measures Project Manager, and Ulrike Langenscheidt, Surgeon Specific Registry Manager, presented from the perspective of surgeons. Giving compelling stories of how the ACS worked with the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) to relieve some of the burdensome data entry regulations placed on surgeons by CMS. Michael and Ulrike reminded us that while CMS and other government agencies are tasked with creating a system to service all Americans, they value and incorporate the input of experts in the industry.
  • Trexin’s own Edward Davis, Principal Consultant from our Solutions Delivery Capability, expounded on the continuation of the industry toward value based care, the significant investments and development of healthcare’s information technology infrastructure, and the potential impacts of reform to millions of Americans who currently receive healthcare coverage.
  • Dr. Kim Byas, Sr., Regional Executive for the American Hospital Association, offered timeless advice for the audience by reminding everyone that this is not the first time the United State healthcare system has seen substantial change and to continue to work toward sensible and positive changes.

This discussion helped confirm that much of the forward progress made in the industry to date will continue, as well as pose important questions for healthcare professionals to consider. With continued change on the horizon, Trexin is committed to being leaders in the healthcare space.

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