Case Study

Strategy for Web and Mobility

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Trexin produces a mobility and web strategy for a Fortune 100 company

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Our Client was experiencing dissatisfaction from both customers and stakeholders for its obsolete and limited online offerings. Competitors had bypassed our Client by offering personalized online experiences, intuitive navigation, extensive services, easy transactions, and mobile enablement. Already our Client had lost business with customers citing the effort required to do business online. After an internal review, the executive team realized our Client was at risk if did not update its capabilities to meet or exceed the expectations of its customers. A feasibility study team was established to define the foundations of a forward strategy.


Trexin led a client team representing all of our Client’s key stakeholders through a rigorous process of education, requirements development, options identification, prioritization, and solution selection. The process was unfolded by facilitating extensive interaction, teamwork, and communication among our Client’s diverse and historically silo-oriented business units. Trexin led a detailed analysis that gave the feasibility study team credibility and stature with every business unit. The ongoing syndication and communication led to a widespread sense of participation, ownership, and consensus. Elements of the strategy included:

  • Requirements
  • Capabilities
  • Solution Options
  • Pros and Cons Assessment
  • Costs
  • Benefits
  • Implementation Timelines
  • Recommendation


Our Client’s business line managers and senior executives unanimously accepted the recommendations of the feasibility study team and have approved funding and resources to implement them.

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