Event Summary May 21, 2024
So You Want To Be A CISO – Is It Worth It?
Chicago, IL
On Tuesday, May 14th, Trexin’s CSO Glenn Kapetansky presented “So You Want To Be A CISO – Is It Worth It?” for AITP-Chicago, with Trexin colleagues Laurel Wirkus and Anna-Kate Cole in attendance. Starting the presentation, Glenn discussed the top three concerns for CISOs, which he explained are not necessarily the same as the top three priorities. These concerns are third party security, data manipulation, and burnout of the workforce from the move to remote/hybrid work and new threats from GenAI. He then covered four cybersecurity POVs: cloud, impact on operational technology, managing cyberwarfare, and the changing role of CISO to include far beyond the technical aspects of security.
Glenn has watched the role of the CISO change throughout his career, and emphasizes the need for cyber-resiliency and layers of protection. If you operate under the assumption you are already breached somewhere, how do you keep the company operating safely, which he compared to still being able to fly a plane if one engine is lost.
The presentation was followed by a lively discussion and questions from the group.
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