Case Study

Global IT Strategy

Global IT Strategy

Fortune 300 Corporation Calls on Trexin to Produce its First-Ever Global IT Strategy.

Business Driver

A Fortune 300 company grew up largely from over 400 acquisitions done over a period of 20+ years. Consequently, Our Client faced increasing challenges aligning, managing, and enhancing a disjointed set of systems and strategies that stemmed from the operations of multiple semi-autonomous IT groups spread across geographies and business lines. The effect was duplication, waste, misalignment, and ineffective technology support for our Client’s business lines and the enterprise. When the first full-time Global CIO was appointed in 2010, Job One was to build a comprehensive strategy that united all technology efforts across the globe into a single cohesive strategy that supported both business line needs and our Client’s enterprise business strategies. The CIO charged Trexin with organizing and leading the effort to create that first enterprise technology strategy for our Client.



Trexin’s approach was centered on having each business line, including the shared functions, follow a three phase process each of which had four major steps performed over a period of six months. Moreover, each phase required the production of a standard set of deliverables in a common format. Most important though, was the emphasis on business participation and identifying technology initiatives and strategy elements that directly supported business strategy.

All of the IT groups participating were required to move in near lock-step, which allowed the program schedule to be kept. Also, interim results were shared which ensured that synergies were captured, duplication was eliminated, and resource sharing was undertaken where possible. This all supported the goal of making sure that enterprise initiatives aligned with business unit initiatives and vice-versa, and the end results would culminate in a well- structured and cohesive strategy for our Client. Trexin took overall responsibility for program managing all the teams through the process and quality assurance on all program deliverables.


The result of this effort was an unparalleled success for our Client. Each business line’s executive board and our Client’s executive board enthusiastically endorsed, approved, and supported the resulting IT Strategy. Our Client is now making significant progress in realizing game-changing technology offerings that significantly differentiate it from its competitors. Many of these offerings and capabilities are unmatched in the insurance and human capital management industries.

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