Event Summary

Drug Diversion Fines and Enforcement Actions at Hospitals and Other Healthcare Facilities

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An Invistics Webinar

On December 13th, Madeline Hultquist attended the “Drug Diversion Fines and Enforcement Actions at Hospitals and Other Healthcare Facilities” webinar. The event, hosted by Invistics, consisted of a presentation that reviewed drug diversion prevention best practices in hospital settings and investigated multiple case studies where hospitals or health systems were found to be non-compliant.

Keynote Speaker:

  • John Gilbert – Director at Hyman, Phelps & McNamara


  • Tom Knight – Founder & CEO of Invistics

Key Takeaways:

  • Main risks of controlled substance diversion and abuse include:
    • Public safety and public harm
    • Regulatory and legal liability to the organization
    • Administrative, civil, and/or criminal penalties
  • Common risk points of diversion include:
    • Security and storage of controlled substances
    • Prescribing, dispensing, and administration
    • Waste and disposal
  • Enforcement is becoming more complex and in-depth as multiple groups work together in ‘tactical diversion squads’ to coordinate their investigations.
  • Best practice is to ensure accuracy and accountability when it comes to controlled substances.
    • This means ensuring records are accurate through regular auditing and monitoring and having Automated Dispensing Machines with cameras.
    • This also means enforcing prompt action when an issue arises: report the suspected drug diversion as soon as possible, hold a timely investigation, and enforce disciplinary actions as needed.
  • Resources to follow for drug diversion information:

To learn about Trexin’s Drug Diversion Practice Area, click here:

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