Event Summary

Business Leadership Award Celebration

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Chicago, IL

On a wintry Chicago evening, November 28, 2018, Trexin’s Chief Security Officer Glenn Kapetansky joined approximately 100 invited guests at Marshall’s Landing to enjoy the view over the Chicago River and honor Edward Seidel for his business leadership in launching the Discovery Partners Institute (DPI). DPI is a joint education, research, and innovation institute led by the University of Illinois System. Edward is also the Vice President for Economic Development and Innovation for the University of Illinois System.

DPI partners include Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, and Northern Illinois University. DPI landed a $500M grant from the State of Illinois to establish innovation hubs at or near each of its partner universities. Each interdisciplinary hub brings some of the best minds in academia together with bright students to accelerate innovation and the speed of bringing them to the marketplace.

DPI has also partnered with Tel Aviv University, and with other Israeli universities and countries in the pipeline. For more information visit

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