
Kathleen Ferencz, MBA, RPh Joins the Healthcare & Life Sciences Team as a Drug Diversion Specialist

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Minneapolis, MN

Trexin Consulting, a national consulting firm specializing in strategy execution, announced today that Kathleen Ferencz, MBA, RPh has joined the Healthcare & Life Sciences Team as a Drug Diversion Specialist.

Kathleen Ferencz, MBA, RPh, is a pharmacist with over 36 years of experience in hospital pharmacy. She has held various leadership positions including Supervisor of Pharmacy Automation/Technology and Drug Diversion Prevention and Manager of Pharmacy Operations of a large academic institution. Kathleen has led the implementation of several Drug Diversion Surveillance software programs and worked to integrate them with existing technology such as automated dispensing machines, electronic medical records, and time/attendance. She is extremely familiar with monitoring for possible anomalous behaviors. Kathleen has also participated on various interdisciplinary teams involving Drug Diversion Prevention and provided education to healthcare providers.

“We are extremely excited to have Kathleen join our Drug Diversion Prevention team. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience as a pharmacist with a focus on controlled substance monitoring.”– Neil Rolland, Healthcare & Life Sciences Practice Lead

In addition to her pharmacy degree, Kathleen holds an MBA from the University of New Haven and resides in Seymour, CT with her family.

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